Could You Become Popular On instagram?

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Many people have a instagram account, could you become a popular instagramer? This test is coming from a popular instagram account owner so the results are very accurate!

Could you become popular on instagram? Are you a good instagramer? Take this Quiz and find out!! You could become the next famous instagramer!!!

Created by: jacbow2

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a instagram account?
  2. If you have a instagram account, how many followers do you have?
  3. How often would you post?
  4. Would you interact with your followers?
  5. What would you post?
  6. If you chose selfies in the last question, are you pretty/handsome?
  7. If you chose everything, how often would you post?
  8. Do you make your own edits?
  9. Is/would your username be something someone would search? Or is it a bunch of random letters symbols and numbers?
  10. Do you enjoy posting? and are you a sociable person?
  11. Would/do you follow a lot of people?
  12. Would you post anything funny?
  13. Would/do you use hashtags that have to do with the photo/video being posted?
  14. Would you have a theme?

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