Could you be a Writer?

Some people are born writers, some aren't. Some like writing, some don't. That's just how it works. If you like writing, go for it! Don't let anything stop you.

This short quiz will help you decide whether writing is something you could consider as a career. If you're not happy with the results, ignore them, because it's your choice.

Created by: MidnightBlossom
  1. Do you like writing?
  2. Are you good at writing?
  3. Do you know what the word 'misodoctakleidist' means?
  4. What kind of stories do you like writing?
  5. Are you imaginative or down-to-earth/logical?
  6. What do other people think of your writing?
  7. Before you started school, did you enjoy writing/drawing?
  8. Are you intelligent?
  9. Are you seriously considering being a writer?
  10. What kind of books do you read?
  11. Do you read a lot?
  12. Do you find writing fun?
  13. Did you like this quiz, and will you rate it/comment on it?

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