Could We Be Best Friends?

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This quiz will tell you whether we could be best friends or not. I am very diffrent, and it is pretty hard to be my friend, let alone my best friend.

Could YOU be my best friend? Do you have the liking of me? You haven't known until now. But thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes, you will find out!

Created by: Rue
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite food?
  3. Do you like to be random?
  4. Do you stick up for yourself or others?
  5. What is your personality?
  6. Are you a morning or night person?
  7. How old are you?
  8. If I were your best friend, would you stick by my side?
  9. Do you eat healthy foods?
  10. Thanks! Bye.

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