Corrie price family

"There are many smart people,but few true geniuses .Genius is after all quite exceptional.what is a genius ?a genius is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind,is able to solve complex proplems,and see the world through an entirley novel point of view".

"Are you a genius?do you have the brain power to qualify for that prestigious title?until now you could only wonder .but thanks to this great quiz,in just a few minutes you fill find out .the reason why I have done this quiz is to spread the liking of the corrie family because I know not much much people like this corrie family".

Created by: Hannah davies
  1. Which person did stella meet in 2006
  2. When gloria arrived for the second time what was the name of her fella in tow
  3. Which daughter did stella leave when they were only 1
  4. Which wedding did eva ruin on the 25th December 2012
  5. Which wedding did eva ruin on the 25th December 2012
  6. Who did karl go of gambling with
  7. Which member of the price family set fire to the rovers return
  8. Which are the two daughters of stella
  9. Which member of the price family killed sunita alahan
  10. Who had an affair with Jason

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