Comma Quirks Quiz

You may be a Master at commas, merely competent, or require some real reinforcement. No matter what level of expertise you currently have, you will find this Comma Quiz enlightening and enjoyable.

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Created by: Jane Straus of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
(your link here more info)
  1. I took Angie the one with the freckles to the movie last night.
  2. Jeremy and I have had our share of arguments.
  3. You are I am sure telling the truth.
  4. I need sugar butter and eggs from the grocery store.
  5. Although you may be right I cannot take your word for it.
  6. We will grant you immunity if you decide to cooperate with us.
  7. She finished her work and then took a long lunch.
  8. He seems to be such a lonely quiet man doesn't he?
  9. Please Sasha come home as soon as you can.
  10. She has a good healthy attitude about her work.

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