Colleen or Miranda?

Here we will see if you are like Colleen Ballinger or Miranda Sings! I hope you enjoy BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Here we will see if you are like Colleen Ballinger or Miranda Sings! I hope you enjoy BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Created by: Sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like tacos or meat?
  2. Do you like poop or meat?
  3. Clown make-up or normal?
  4. Lip-stick or lip-gloss?
  5. Pee on yourself or poop in public?
  6. Dance on stage or sing on stage?
  8. ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!
  9. SECOND TO LAST!!!!!!!!
  10. I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!

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