Cole and Dylan Sprouse

Cole and Dylan are actors, but not just any they started acting since they were months old and they were acting since, they are teen stars they like almost everything normal people do.

So here you are taken or going to take my quiz. Before you take this ask yourself do I know all about them or do I need to know more am I the ultimate fan or am I not.

Created by: yasmin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whos is older Cole or Dylan?
  2. What's Cole and Dylans fav colour?
  3. What's their pets name?
  4. Dylans favoraite food.
  5. Cole likes what food.
  6. The next show of Cole n Dylan is.
  7. Dc 2008 which team is Cole on.
  8. Where in italy were they born in?
  9. How old are the twins in 2008?
  10. What's Coles fav subject?

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