Can You Think Outside The Goldfish Bowl?

You are about to face a lot of questions that must be answered to get a very good score. Be on the lookout for trick questions; some smart looking ones are actually really easy to solve. Some, however are so very hard to figure out. Use a method that is creative; this test was made to blow your brain right out of your head!

Now it is time to solve this quiz. Good luck and try your best. Remember, I specifically made this quiz to confuse and trick. Just give it your best shot!

Created by: crazygirl4112
  1. Wich answer is correct?
  2. What does 873,640+48,295 *32,957+3,859-47,392/845*4,829,563+95,740-847,694*0*104,739,284 equal?
  3. Thirty cups are stacked on a table. One falls off the stack. How many are still on the table?
  4. What is two two's?
  5. How do you spell the name of the color that you get when you mix black and white?
  6. Never resting, Never still. Moving silently from hill to hill. It does not walk, run or trot. All is cool where it is not.
  7. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
  8. What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?
  9. What is as big as the castle, but lighter than air? 100 horses and their men cannot move me. What am I?
  10. What word in this sentence is misspelled? This question pertains to the next on.
  11. Last question continued. If you already choose, click "Already choose". If you think the sentence is correct, click "Correct".
  12. What is my name?
  13. I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold. I am the parent of numbers that cannot be told. I am a gift beyond measure, a matter of course. I am given with pleasure when taken by force. What am I?

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Quiz topic: Can I Think Outside The Goldfish Bowl?