Can you save the world?

Many people are heroes inside. Many people are kind and full of inner beauty. But very few have what it takes to save the world. This quiz will show you what you need to save all humanity.

Do you want to know if you are one of the elite few who can save the masses from untold destruction? If you want to know, the story of this quiz will give you the answer.

Created by: Asertosi
  1. You are an ordinary person who is 18 years old. You pick up the phone and hear that the world is dying and you are needed to save it. Will you help?
  2. You have agreed to help out and have placed your problem into a computer. It suggests that you do one of the following things. Do you..
  3. It turns out that the world has a case of cosmic Ebola and there is a week left before everyone dies. There is a cure for regular Ebola and half the time it will work but the other half of the time everyone dies. Do you..
  4. Success! It turns out that the cure, which is now tweaked, now will work 80% of the time. Unfortunately, you now have 5 days left. Your next action will take two days. Do you...
  5. You gave the cure but the world is just getting worse! It's going to kill everyone. What do you do? You have three days left.
  6. You injected Ebola blood into the core and it seems to be working. Will you take any further action?
  7. You took no further action. You are leaving now. What are your last orders to a worker team?
  8. The catastrophe is being broadcast to citizens. How do you stop the panic?
  9. Your fake science report has calmed the citizens, but you are shaking with fear. What do you do?
  10. You are now calm and relaxed. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Can I save the world?