Can you help Eclipse become good?

This is my first quiz so it's a bit short but it's one that I want to do, and see how others would answer it. It's simple but it can tell you a lot about people.

So this quiz is very simple. You have to decide whether or not you think you could help Eclipse become a better person, and/or become friends with him.

Created by: Melody (aka Melissa)
  1. What are your thoughts on Eclipse?
  2. Do you think he can change?
  3. Would you be his friend?
  4. Do you think you could change Eclipse?
  5. Could you help other like him if you help him?
  6. Would he give you the star if you helped him?
  7. Would you help Eclipse and why or why not?
  8. Would you join his side?
  9. Do you have a crush on him.
  10. (Last question sorry if this was a bit short) Do you think Eclipse is backstory is sad?

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Quiz topic: Can I help Eclipse become good?
