Can you be a medicine cat?

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Do you think you'll be good as medicine cat? Or whether your better off as a warrior? Take this quiz to know! I will put a few prophecy ones in there, but it's gonna be mostly herbs.

I don't know what to put here so I am just gonna ramble a bit. So this is my first quiz so it might be kinda bad. If there is a comment section, please tell me what you think!

Created by: MidnightWolfy1195
  1. Wintersplash was hit by a monster! She was multiple scratches on her side and a broken leg! What herbs do you use?
  2. A bunch of kits get into your herb store! What's the first thing you should do? (Part one)
  3. What herb helps milk production and cures fevers?
  4. You get a vision! Two of your friends, Rosestreak and Sunmask are leaving! You can hear Emberwish, who never liked them, cheering loudly. Suddenly, Rosestreak turns around are tries to run back, but a vine comes down and drags them away. What does it mean?
  5. You find the kits that gotten into your den each had eaten a poppyseed each, what do you do? (Part 2)
  6. You are on your way to the moonpool and almost run into a hunting patrol(different clan), what do you do?
  7. What does tansy do?
  8. What does Catmint do?
  9. Your getting old and want to take on a apprentice, and 3 kits are showing a interest for herbs. You get a vision that shows snow falling into a paw print, who do you choose?
  10. You get attacked on a patrol! The deputy tells you to get help! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Can I be a medicine cat?
