can u be like my bf (boys)

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there are alot of Eldins,Alex,and Erins out there is only one of mine they all mean the world to me they are like family i luv them all but i luv my Eldin the most so if u end up getting him maybe u r like him !!!!!

well if u are like him and we meet in rl maybe we can be really good friends we just need to get in contact so leave a comment and rate my quiz and maybe we already know each other who knows

Created by: EldinsAwesomeGF
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would u rather do to comfort me
  2. what color hair do u like
  3. what color eyes do u like
  4. who would u rather be
  5. what would u rather do
  6. since my name is Nikki wat would u nickname me
  7. (the rest won't effect ur score) wat do think my fav color is
  8. wats ur fav color
  9. pick a face
  10. for Valentines day wat would u get me

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