Can I guess your age?(IDK)(2018 version)

So this quiz is just to guess your age so i hope works out just fine for you because it worked for me.BlahhhM 8h8hkhh,h,hhjmMMN BNKJHOLHIHJHJHKG VHHKjklhkhjh ggug

WARNING!BRAINS AND CALCULATOR ARE REQUIRED!TOUGH MATH APPROACHING!nbnbbb mbjbnilvh bjnbmbihb vhnvin bihkp uio(lol) sorry there will be a lot of these smh.

Created by: Diamond
  1. Choose a number 2-10
  2. Multiply it by the given by 2
  3. Then add 5 to it.
  4. Multiply by 50.
  5. If your birthday has passed already, then add 1767 to the prior result. If your birthday is coming up, then add 1766 to the prior result.
  6. Subtract the year you were born from your answer.
  7. Look at your final answer. The first digit, the one in the hundred’s place, will be the original one chosen. The remaining two numbers will reveal your age.
  8. Did you get your age?
  9. Just extra

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Quiz topic: Can I guess my age?(IDK)(2018 version)

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