Bubble Guppy Test: Nonny

Nonny: hello, I'm Nonny I will be guiding you trught this quiz and you have to guess the answer (I don't mean guess like you don't know and you just guess I mean try to pick the right answer) thank you.

Nonny: hi again and please take your time I really don't want anyone to rush and- me: blah blah lah blah- Nonny: chl- me: blah blah- Nonny: Chloe! Me: yeah? Nonny: please stop it please me: ok.

Created by: bbbggguppies
  1. I like ----------- (it has to be a color).
  2. ---------- are what happens. Spring comes after winter.
  3. The ------------ tells the marching band when and where to march.
  4. Its a kind of ----------
  5. All the --------- together is called the ------- -----------
  6. Goby: what's that. Nonny: its a ------------
  7. --------- means lake in Scotland.
  8. I want to be in a ----------- band.
  9. Nonny: I got a bagle. Deema: what kind. Nonny: -----------
  10. Nonny: *puts hands out* gil: throws ball. Nonny: I can't ----------

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