what bubble guppy are you

are you a bubble guppy. here is a quiz about six preschoolers and a teacher, mr grouper the guppies are molly gill goby deema oona and nonny so lets start and see witch bubble guppy are you

so are you ready to take the quiz maybe your molly or gill or whatever they are all grate guppies i love them all la la so.. do you like bg because i do very much bye take te quiz

Created by: bbbggguppies
  1. are ypu smart
  2. are you clumsy
  3. are you kind
  4. do you want to be a singer
  5. are you goofy or a tomboy
  6. do like to make stories
  7. what your color
  8. pick a nick name
  9. do you wear glasses
  10. who do you think you are

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Quiz topic: What bubble guppy am I