Btd6 what tower are you?

Yada yada yada this is a btd6 what tower are you quiz it's pretty obvious if you can read so now she filler text for you :) :) more filler yay wtf so much

Oh my God there's another paragraph? Just take the quiz it's toouc for me to handle right now beep boop I'm a robot Doo Doo tip top cheerio British sounds

Created by: Dolphonc10
  1. What Bloon are you best at popping?
  2. How cheap are you
  3. What do you do in your spare time?
  4. What is the cubic root of eight?
  5. Why are you taking this quiz?
  6. This does not affect the outcome
  7. I need to add more quesrions
  8. Trust me it won't change your result
  9. Just one more left!
  10. And your result is...

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Quiz topic: Btd6 what tower am I?
