brendon urie triva

ther are many peaple that like to take celebrity triva to pass the time away.this happens to be one. its about brendon urie panics frontman.this quiz will test your knowlege about him.lets see if you know the good,bad, and the ugley.this quiz will teach some new things and some old things you already knew

do you know brendon urie. if you do then this is the quiz for you .this will tell you if your really know him or just know of him.get ready this quiz will blow you mind up with so much triva you cant hold i and if you a fan your are ganna love this quiz i just know becuase you will find out if you a die hard fan,.or just a fan

Created by: erika
  1. what is his favorite cartoon character?
  2. what band is he in?
  3. when is his birthday
  4. what is his favorite cookie
  5. whats his age
  6. what the name of his ex
  7. does he eat meat
  8. what promblem does he have
  9. whats is his addiction
  10. what is his ex religion
  11. does he have freakles
  12. what is his biggest insecreity
  13. what does he like to do when no one is around
  14. what does he do in the band
  15. what instuments does he play
  16. what is his full name

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