Boys only love story

Blah blah yada yada there is no P2 or anythingso ya angle off hairy this is my 3rd quiz so cool and whatever wof os awesome yay yay yay play Boblocks.

It's fun and yay and stuff and talons of destiny or beta wings of fire is really good one boblox . And stuff hoped you liked the quiz and e joyed your result

Created by: Merryn dickinson
  1. At jade Mountain there is a mysterious vanishing students and everybody is worring you and star speaker sit eating until WHAM and your out
  2. When you wake up your body is chained and the room is dimly lit before you can shoot fire everywhere your muzzled "hello test subject 112 prepare for a lot of pain...."
  3. You shoulder is pierced whith something like a needle and then pain shoots through your body
  4. Before you can scream or do anything your knocked out cold and everything is quiet
  5. When you wake up your body is still hurting but not as much fo you can stand and you see another lump,ITS STAR SPEAKER
  6. You wake her up and we look around it's a cell but it's pit by twoo glowing tubes "is that acid" she askes
  7. Just them a looming dark figure drags you out,he must like your results no one else is there and he picks up a needle whitha liquid in and you start flashing to escape...
  8. When he injects you it's painful but you seem to love the figure and when he unmuzzels you, you kiss him.
  9. You really love him and is his partner until you get to star speaker and the potion seems to go..?
  10. You escape and head back to jade mountain a dragon called may fly approaches you both and he knocks you out...
  11. When you both awake your white eyed SHE HAS MIND CONTROL TOXIN
  12. Cliffhanger who do you want to get as a result?(100 chance to get them)

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