Boxers or Briefs?

Some people prefer boxers. They are lose and comfortable and can say a lot about a person. Whether you wear them or not, they are quite different than briefs. Which one do you think YOU are? Take this quiz and discover the answer now!

Some people prefer briefs. They are tight and often represent a more conservative type of person. Do you think you are more like briefs? If so, prove yourself right and take this quiz now! You may get a different answer from what you thought...

Created by: Carly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which do you prefer?
  2. Night or Day?
  3. Select a color:
  4. You like to party.
  5. Pick a career:
  6. Ocean or Lake?
  7. Big or Small?
  8. Do you like to dance?
  9. You like to listen to other people.
  10. Hot or Cold?q
  11. You prefer:

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