Blackpink song trivia

I know most of you are experts on the blackpinks but how much do you know about their songs? Do you know them by heart or a little bit of everything or nothing at all?

This quiz is not just about the songs, it's also about who wrote them and who sings them and which ones were hits . I hope you enjoy this quiz. Good luck,

Created by: Girlz
  1. Which blackpink song has become most popular
  2. Which song has this line' this beat got me thrill of life'
  3. Finish this' I could die in this moment '
  4. Which of these 'as if its your last ' visuals are correct
  5. In which song was dua lipa starring
  6. Who writes the songs
  7. What was the first blackpink song
  8. Finish this 'So don't play with me boy'
  9. Which song has a visual of Lisa wearing red, holding candy floss in a yellow background
  10. Who are the main vocalists

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