Biology 3 Exam Practice Quiz

This practice test is for Prof. Fachan's Biology 100, Exam 3. Let's see how you do, it shouldn't be too hard. If it is, you need to read the chapter at least once! This practice test is for Prof. Fachan's Biology 100, Exam 3.

Let's see how you do, it shouldn't be too hard. If it is, you need to read the chapter at least once!

Created by: nicole
  1. The Upper Respiratory Tract compromises...
  2. The larynx produces ______, and the ______ connects the mouth and nasal cavity to the larynx.
  3. When the volume of a closed space increases, the molecules of gas in that space are farther away from each other, and the pressure inside the space________
  4. A gas will always diffuse down its __________, from a region of higher partial pressure to a region of __________partial pressure.
  5. At the lungs, dissolved carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood and into the ___________air.
  6. The sodium-potassium pump removes both __________ particles and ______________charges from the cell at the same time.
  7. TRUE OR FALSE- Functionally, an action potential (impulse) is the only form in which information is transmitted long distance by the nervous system.
  8. The myelin sheath around the axon serves three important functions. 1) It saves the neuron energy, 2) It speeds up the transmission of impulses, 3)
  9. Graded potentials are caused by the opening of chemically sensitive _______________, rather than voltage sensitive ones.
  10. Just above and partially surrounding the medulla oblongata, the __________ connects higher brain centers and the spinal cord.
  11. The cerebral cortex is primarily gray mater, consisting of CNS neurons with _____________ axons and their associated neuroglial cells.
  12. When the voltage of a postsynaptic membrane moves closer to zero, the membrane has been ______.
  13. When you receive new sensory information, the stimulus triggers a quick burst of action potentials in the ________________.
  14. Ruffini endings are encapsulated receptors that respond continuously to ______________.
  15. Olfactory smell receptors adapt:
  16. The vestibular apparatus is part of the inner ear, which also includes the ___________.
  17. The rods and cones of the eye synapse with the third layer, a layer of neurons called _____________.
  18. Otitis media is when the middle ear becomes inflamed. Usually this results from _________________.
  19. In a negative feedback loop involving a hormone, the _____________is the control center.
  20. Abnormal _________ concentrations can lead to permanent changes in the final height of an adult.
  21. The Parathyroid hormone causes the kidneys to retain ___________ and excrete _____________.
  22. The digestive system includes four accessory organs. They are the:
  23. Ch 14. Persitalis ___________ food forward. Segmentation _____________.
  24. Ch. 14 Incisors ______ . Canines _________. Premolars and molars are well adapted to _________ and ____________ food.
  25. Just beyond the pharynx is the esophagus, a muscular tube consisting of both __________ and _________smooth muscle that connects the pharynx to the ____________.
  26. _______________forms the backbone of steroid hormones and is also used to synthesize bile.

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