BFDI Quiz (Easy-Hard)

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Have you ever expected to be a genius? Well this is my first quiz ever created. So you guys will remember everything what to do. And expect every single prototype of you private skills.

Do you want to be a genius? Can you be an expert? Would you dream about being a genius? Is your mind powerful? Are you a master at quizzes? Should you get an A+?

Created by: MasterBusiness

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. (Easy) Who is the host of BFDI?
  2. (Easy) Who is the runner up in BFDI?
  3. (Easy) What happens if the contestants ate yoylecake?
  4. (Easy) Who has a panophobia?
  5. (Easy) Where is Pencil?
  6. (Easy) Who made the updated version of the BFDI debuting?
  7. (Easy) $8 + $1.99 + Coiny = ?
  8. (Easy) What is Flower wearing in Episode 1a of Take The Plunge?
  9. (Easy) Who has the most votes in BFDI?
  10. (Easy) Who is the co-creator of BFDI?
  11. (Medium) Why is Coiny not called Penny?
  12. (Medium) How many votes does Bubble have + how many votes does Flower have in the final elimination?
  13. (Medium) Who is the first armless contestant shown in BFDI?
  14. (Medium) How is Bubble a great player?
  15. (Medium) What number is the date of elimination and episode that will be released?
  16. (Medium) What does that cloud look like in Episode 11 - Lofty?
  17. (Medium) Where did Leafy's map came from?
  18. (Medium) How many deaths does Bubble have + how many votes does Bubble have?
  19. (Medium) Who are the contestants that have phobia?
  20. (Medium) What flavour is the Flower Cake?
  21. (Hard) What is You are Here's real name?
  22. (Hard) What is the evolution of Pin , and Leafy?
  23. (Hard) Which of the emoji's are not the BFDI contestants or debuters?
  24. (Hard) Why does Snowball do not know the meaning of name?
  25. (Hard) Is BFDI 2D or 3D?
  26. (Hard) How many times Bubble pops + how many times was Bubble voted + how many times does Flower been voted by the final elimination?
  27. (Hard) Why is Episode 1a and 1b called Take the Plunge?
  28. (Hard) What does the characters don't have in their body parts?
  29. (Hard) Leafy did'nt won because...........
  30. (Hard) Why did jacknjelfy changed the picture of the videos?

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