Best Friend? Or Best Foe?

This quiz was made to judge whether your friend is true, or false, (Nice chose of words huh?) So this was such a fun quiz to make, and I hope it is fun to take! I also hope it dosen't take up too much of your time! Friends are so important to life, and we all want to have fun with life right? Have a little fun, have great friends, be yourself!

But, don't let this quiz change your friendship! This quiz should only give you a heads up on what you should do to help. People should always make sure that stuff on the internet does not change your life, in any way! Life, family, and friends, are more important. Just use these things as time fillers.

Created by: Sunny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You get a late B-day present in the mail, while your friend is over. You open it, and it's a new digital camera! Your friend...
  2. You get a late B-day present in the mail, while your friend is over. You open it, and it's a new digital camera! Your friend...
  3. Your friend and you decide to go to the mall. You find some really cool clothes you have been waiting for to come out in stores,but you don't have enough money, and your friend...
  4. You get one backstage pass for Hannah Montana. You call your friend and practically scream into the phone, your friend...
  5. Your invited to one of those summer pool parties. The problem is your friend wasn't. Your friend...
  6. You want a new hairstyle, and your friend...
  7. OMG! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your new bike has just arrived, and you ride it over to your friend's house to show it to them. Your friend...
  8. Last Question! Your favorite sports team is coming near you! Your friend...
  9. Now, just pick the letter that your friends first name starts with.
  10. Now, do the same for the last name.

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