Bernard Malamud Quiz

Do you think you know Bernard Malmud? Do you know about his birth, death and every detail in between? TAKE THE QUIZ. See if you will pass or fail. GO!

Are YOU a genius? Do you know one of the greates authors of the 20th century? DO you know who I am talking about? Its Bernard Malamud. TAKE MY QUIZ Please!

Created by: jacob of The Life and Times of Bernard Malamud
(your link here more info)
  1. Where was Bernard Malamud born?
  2. Where did Bernard Malamud begin his career as a college professor?
  3. In 1952 Bernard Malamud's first novel ____________________ was published?
  4. Which of the following is not a quote from Bernard Malamud?
  5. Malamud won his first and only Pulitzer Prize for which book?
  6. What was Bernard Malamud's first book of short stories?
  7. Where did Bernard Malamud teach creative writing?
  8. Which of the following Bernard Malamud books was not made into a movie?
  9. Malamud mostly wrote his stories about?
  10. Which year did Bernard Malamud die of heart failure?

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