Beginners' Tomodachi Life quiz

Tomodachi Life, a nice game. Tomodachi Life, what's that? It's a 3DS game. It is a life simulator, but doesn't follow the simple aspects of life. You own an island, where your Miis are welcome.

Do you kow Tomodachi Life well? Do you have the beginners' knowledge to answer these questions correctly? In a minute you can find out! If you don't have the game, get outta here.

Created by: Hyun Woo
  1. Does your lookalike Mii have to be your personal Mii?
  2. Can you name your island yourself?
  3. Which of these stages (stages in the making of a Mii) is not a real stage?
  4. Which of these profile settings have been added?
  5. Which of these venues do you unlock first?
  6. Which of these words are located at the left side of "Speech" in the personality stage? (PAL only)
  7. Does barbequed chicken cost $3.95?
  8. What does "Tomodachi" mean?
  9. What does "life" mean?
  10. And finally, true or false? The sweat jacket comes in only 4 colours.

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