Beauxbatons Sorting Mirror

You look into the mirror and what do you see? The blazing fire of Angélique? The roaring sea of Prideux? Or the calming meadow of Vallée? You look into the mirror and what do you see? The blazing fire of Angélique? The roaring sea of Prideux? Or the calming meadow of Vallée?

beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons beauxbatons

Created by: KseniaSokol
  1. You have the wizard wireless turned up loud. Which classical composer are you most likely are you listening to?
  2. Which of these elements speak most to you?
  3. You decide to go out and get a tattoo, even against your parents better wishes. Which tattoo do you get?
  4. What is your greatest fear?
  5. You stumble upon a chest full of rare artifacts. Which one of them do you choose?
  6. You have to get across a large stream and there is no bridge in sight. How do you get across?
  7. Which magical beast represents you best?
  8. You come to a fork in the road branching to the left and the right. You choose to go:
  9. Choose an instrument:
  10. Those who succeed are able to do so because:
  11. A trait that best descibes you is:
  12. You have been summoned to the Headmaster's office. You are there because:
  13. I most enjoy the company of people:
  14. When making a decision the most important thing to you is:
  15. Choose one:

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