Bar Ho Or No? What are you!

There are many bar ho's out there, but few better than Jr. Joking dude. What is a bar ho? Someone that ho's themselves out for drinks or for sex. Many usually have on beer goggles and can't think straight and end up in the coyote ugly moment the next morning. Then some bar ho's keep it at the bar and only want to be supplied with free drink and maybe a make-out session.

Are you a bar ho? Or no? Take the quiz and then we will know. Have fun. Because this quiz was made in fun. Don't trash on JR too much, all who know him anyways. He is just trying to "live" his life the best he knows how. And I am talking to you BILL!!!

Created by: Mel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you go to the bar in hopes of hooking up with someone you don't know?
  2. Would your friends say you are a Bar ho?
  3. Do you think you are a bar ho?
  4. Did you just lie on the last question?
  5. Do you think JR is a bar ho?
  6. Have you ever woken up with someone you don't know?
  7. Have you ever HAD to DRINK someone pretty?
  8. Have you ever had a Coyote Ugly moment.
  9. Have you ever used someone to get drinks?
  10. Have you ever been embarrassed to leave with someone and sent a friend in to get that person for you?

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Quiz topic: Bar Ho Or No? What am I!