Audience analysis

This quiz was intended for English 3236 students section 10 with Professor Knight. Analyzing an Audience is a very important part in the writing process. So the questions are simple, not hard to answer.

Before starting this quiz please read: the homework the English professor sent you by e-mail. this so you can answer the questions.... trust me its not hard to do this if you read first. well it is your homework to do so . Reading through just once or twice will make this quiz the easiest you have ever taken.

Created by: Lorraine Hernandez
  1. What four main categories can you divide your audience
  2. What should you keep in mind when analyzing your audience?
  3. when connecting to your audience:
  4. an expert is most likely to:
  5. technicians are:
  6. Executives are most likely:
  7. Nonspecialists:
  8. when writing a guide on how to use the printer what should you keep in mind?
  9. true or false: It is not possible to reach more than one audience with one single report or paper.
  10. true or false: when adapting your paper to your audience you are not allowed to omit information your audience does not need

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