Ask me anything...

Yeah I know this is risky asking random people I don't know in real life to ask me random questions. I hope I won't end up regretting this in the end. I really love Yandere Simulator 1980s mode. It is sooo cool. It takes place in 1989 and you are Ryoba Aishi. Doesn't that sound fun?

Please don't fill up the comment section with random junk questions or anything personal. I'm not going to answer any creepy or weird (in a bad way) questions. I really hope that this quiz gets noticed. I bet nobody will even ask me any questions at all. And that would really suck.

Created by: N/A
  1. Yeah ask me stuff in the comments and if the questions are not personal. I'll answer them in another quiz. I'll give you until my bday to ask em.
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