Are you Yolo, Fomo, Lomo | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you Yolo, Fomo, Lomo.

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  • LOMO

    You suffer from LOMO, or the love of missing out. Why go out and party when you can relax on the couch in sweatpants with a pizza? You don't really care if people are out doing things and you aren't with them. You're pretty happy having time to yourself. You aren't ever envious of other people's plans because you know you could be there if you want to. There's nothing wrong with a little LOMO, it does the body good. Just be sure you don't get pulled in too deep. You don't want to cut yourself off from your friends entirely or make them feel that they aren't important to you. Balance your LOMO attitude with a little spice of YOLO thrown in there on occasion.

    Great quiz! This is so true :D


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