Are You Wild or Tame?(horse edition)

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There are three main types of horse. The wild horses, mustangs, roam free and untouched. Tame horses live a life of luxury and do what they are told. Semi Feral horses are too frightened to be completely wild or tame. Semi Ferals are the easiest to influence.

Do you think you are a fierce, wild Mustang? How about a shy, timid semi feral horse? Maybe you are a loyal tame Thoroughbred. Who knows! No one will until you take this quiz to find out!

Created by: katiespridegirl
  1. Think like a horse for all questions. First. Your favorite place to be is...
  2. A human walks up to you. You...
  3. You are grazing peacefully and a lasso suddenly settles around your neck. You...
  4. A large dog comes running at you ready for an attack. You...
  5. Your horse's coat color is...
  6. You are in a stall and the door opens. A human steps in with a halter. Your first reaction is to...
  7. A strange horse trots to you. What do you do?
  8. You wake up in a stall. You do not remember what happened. What is your reaction?
  9. What is your favorite horse breed?
  10. What riding discipline do you do/prefer?

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Quiz topic: Am I Wild or Tame?(horse edition)