Are you Weird????

There are many weirdos is this world. are you one of them? What is a weirdo? a weirdo is a human being who is extremely quirky! It is someone who can be weird.

Are YOU a weirdo? Are you witty enough to take down reality? It is really fun being weird. It seems so odd, But it's true. Are you TRULY a really weird weirdo?

Created by: littlebunny27
  1. What is humor
  2. What is your favorite meme/gif?
  3. How do you dress for a romantic dinner?
  4. Favorite show?
  5. What does your lamp look like?
  6. Fave Emoji?
  7. Will you marry a mushroom if it was the only living thing besides you?
  8. Go to jail!
  9. Want To go to The mall?
  10. Final Question: Are you weird?
  11. Ok, I lied, This is the final Question- Would you rather Poop Soap or burp earings?

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Quiz topic: Am I Weird????