How weird are you?

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Do people call you weird, well my quiz can test to see if those guys are right or not. Hopefully this proves those people wrong. This quiz is supposed to be fun though, so no need to get worried over your scores!

Being weird isn't a bad characteristic, I don't see it see weirdness negatively. People don't see to want to be weird, but being weird just means your differently unique, and means you are your own person!

Created by: Lauren
  1. Do you hang with cool kids?
  2. What do you usually wear on a regular basis?
  3. Do you do all your homework on time?
  4. How many friends do you have, any friends?
  5. Are you a teacher's pet? {favorite student}
  6. How much do you read?
  7. Do you tell nonfunny jokes, but think there funny?
  8. Do you talk to yourself?
  9. How much do you play video games?
  10. What grades do you get?

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Quiz topic: How weird am I?