Are you super bored?

Hey are you bored. Yea take this quiz. Er just hide in your closet. You probably didn't read this anyways. Skip this because I don't know what to type.

This quiz is so random and I hope doesn't bore you even more. If you read the above paragraph your not reading this most likely. Anyways lets just move on.

  1. What did you have for breakfeast?
  2. When did you wake up?
  3. What's the weather like?
  4. Are you addicted to GoToQuiz?
  5. What's your Birth month??
  6. I ate and i ate and got sick on the floor
  7. What's a fish without an eye?
  8. Are you really that bored?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. Don't think about Peppa Pig. What did you just do?
  11. If you are bored please vote on my poll ( there is a link underneath the last paragraph next to my name when you submit)

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Quiz topic: Am I super bored?
