Are you still friends after a fight?

Have you and your friend recently had a bad fight but made up but your not still quite sure if you forgive them? Do you feel like your friendship just isn’t working out? Hen this quiz is for you!

Answer the questions truthfully to find out if you guys are still friends and if you should still be friends. Or maybe you need to go off and find new friends for now. The results will give you the answer to your questions!

Created by: Kaylie
  1. First, how big was the fight?
  2. How long have you guys been friends?
  3. Do you think you are still friends?
  4. Is it awkward between the two of you?
  5. Is he/she talking about you behind your back?
  6. Are you talking about he/she behind his or her back?
  7. Is he/she still avoiding you or giving you looks?
  8. Are you still mad?
  9. Lastly, why are you taking this quiz?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I still friends after a fight?
