Are You Spoiled With Presents?

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Are YOU SPOILED WITH PRESENTS??????? I am not, and I am not pitying myself, okay?? Sometimes you have to be thankful for what you got (I am kidding be thankful all of the time)

I hope you aren't spoiled with presents, but I also hope that you get a decent amount too! Sometimes I get a decent amount sometimes I don't, it is life amigo...

Created by: Nat and Penny
  1. Do get lots of Christmas presents per year?
  2. What about on birthdays?
  3. If you had lots of things you picked out carefully and everything on your wish list you knew you wanted, would you get upset if you couldn't get it all? Not even half of it?
  4. Do you get upset if you see a sibling get more presents then you? (2x more than you)
  5. Would you rather hide away and open your presents on your own than see your sibling(s) get all of the attention?
  6. Who do you get most of your presents from?
  7. Do you feel embarrassed when opening your presents?
  8. Do you sometimes have to give away toys because you receive too many from your family?
  9. Which pile of presents is larger?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? :0
  11. Goodbye have a nice day!

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Quiz topic: Am I Spoiled With Presents?
