Are you smart WELL ARE YOU

You may be intelligent. Or you may be Patrick from the show Spongebob Squarepants. So see if you are intelligent. If you are smart then take this quiz. Please rate afterwards.

Are YOU (Yes ,You!) intelligent? Don't try to kill creator. In about 2 minutes you can find out. You should take it because I wasted 20 minutes on this.

Created by: Vicc
  1. When did the titanic sink?
  2. Why do they call it a tv set when you only get 1?
  3. What is another name for Skorpion?
  4. The Japanese were defeated by...
  5. Portugal is in Europe or South America?
  6. Finnish is a language. True or False?
  7. Fe is to Iron as Hg is
  8. What is Latin for Gold
  9. What was the name of the first atomic bomb dropped on Japan?
  10. pi is equal to
  11. This quiz will end

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Quiz topic: Am I smart WELL am I