Are you Silver or Hannah?

Who are you Hannah or Silver? :) :) :) You really don't want to be Hannah. Because she is the most rudes person a live. You should take the test and see if your Silver.

Who are you Hannah or Silver? :) :) :) You really don't want to be Hannah. Because she is the most rudes person a live. You should take the test and see if your Silver. Alls well and ends well

Created by: D
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like better, black or pink?
  2. Where would you rather be, at the skate park or at your hair stylist?
  3. Would you rather be out on a date or hanging out with your best friends'?
  4. Would rather wear skinny jeans or short shorts?
  5. Are you a tomboy or a girly girl.
  6. Discribe your room?
  7. Who is your favorite actor?
  8. If your friends could describe you in one word what would it be?
  9. What would you wear to your prom?
  10. What color hair do you have?
  11. What kind of car do you have?

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Quiz topic: Am I Silver or Hannah?