Are you ready to babysit?

I am a certified child expert and I promise you will have the most accurate results on how good of a sitter are of ANY possible quiz you could take!!

ARE you a super sitter? Maybe you know how to deal with kids, but just don't like them!! WHO knows?!?!? Take this fun quiz to find out and more than anything, to have FUN!

Created by: Louise

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok girly or boyie, how old are you?
  2. Johnny is 8 and he is barfing EVERYWHERE but Lucy is only 2 and she can't be left alone! What do you do?
  3. You are babysitting 3 kids. Lanny is 9, Rosy is 7 and Marcy is 4. Only Lanny is aloud to watch PG13 movies, but he makes Marcy watch a killing scene and now she is terrified. What do you do?
  4. You are with 10 year old Sandra and 8 year old Marvin. Someone keeps on knocking on the door and won't stop. It is a grown man that neither kids have seen before. You tell him he needs to leave but he starts banging louder. What do you do?
  5. You are sitting for a family with two kids. Angie is 7 and Marvin is 5. Angie pushes Evan and he falls and busts his forehead open. You know he needs stitches but Angie feels so bad that she runs out of the house balling. What do you do?
  6. You are babysitting twin 3 month olds when you hear your best friend was in an awful car accident and is in a hospital nearby.
  7. You are babysitting 5 kids. Luce is 10, Ally is 7, Joe is 5, Katy is 3 and baby Tammy is 6 months old. You are in the kitchen when you hear an explosion and before you know it the wall is engulfed in flames. You and Luce are the only one's awake. What do you do?
  8. It's 2 AM and 3 year old Ashley had a nightmare. She runs out screaming and wakes 2 month old Tommy up. Now there are TWO babies screaming at you! What do you do?
  9. It's 2 AM and 3 year old Ashley had a nightmare. She runs out screaming and wakes 2 month old Tommy up. Now there are TWO babies screaming at you! What do you do?
  10. Do you LIKE children?
  11. This does not count because it is an opinion. What is you favorite age group to babysit FOR

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Quiz topic: Am I ready to babysit?