Are you ready for a horse?

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A lot of people dream about horses. Riding every day, brushing your love, even mucking out sounds great. But, just a few of us would really make it. Just a few of us could be the owners of a healthy, happy horse and keep it that way...

Are YOU the perfect horseowner? Make this test and you will find out in a couple of minutes. Good luck! Let's see if you're the one that every horse dream about! :)

Created by: Guest
  1. A horse is VERY expensive. It will cost you a lot of money every month, every year, even if you would have it at home in your own stable. There is no way to make it cheap.
  2. How much time do you have for riding?
  3. How much time do you have for feeding, brushing, letting out and in you horse, mucking out stalls...?
  4. How many years have you been riding?
  5. How many years have you been taking care of horses, and been around them?
  6. Do you know what to do if your horse is sick?
  7. It's a wintermorning, it's -20 outside and it's windy and snowy. What sounds most like you?
  8. Does your parents have any experience?
  9. Why do you want a horse?
  10. Were would you have your horse?
  11. Do you think you are ready to buy a horse?
  12. Can you take care of a horse and ride a horse?

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a horse?