Are you ready for a horse?

(Please read me!)Hello! This is my first quiz. I am actually OBSESSED with horses! Please tell me in the comments if i should make more. Also tell me how you did!

What results did you get? I wanna know. This quiz is kind of short. And the results may not be very accurate. So please dont get mad at me if you get something that is not true.

Created by: Tilde
  1. How long have you been riding?
  2. Oh, and how old are you?
  3. Can horses vomit/puke?
  4. Next! Do you know someone who could take care of your horse if you would be on vacation?
  5. Do horses need shoes?
  6. What is the best horse treat?
  7. How long does horses live?
  8. Last question ( almost)! Would you spend you stop going to the cinema if you had a horse? Just to save money for the cost of the horse.
  9. Do you want me to do more quizzes?( Does not effect results)
  10. Bye!!! ( does not affect results)

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a horse?
