Are You're Parents Too Strict?

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If your parents are strict than talk to them or to a person you feel safe with for example Therapist or just someone you trust. Just Talk openly be honest with them.

If your parents are strict than talk to them or to a person you feel safe with for example Therapist or just someone you trust. Just Talk openly and explain your feelings thoughtfully.

Created by: Rachel
  1. What would you're parents do if you wanted to go out with friends on a school week?
  2. What Would Your Parents Do If You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
  3. Are you aloud to watch r-rated movies?
  4. Are you parents strict on your schooling?
  5. Do You're Parents Yell at You Constantly?
  6. How often do you get grounded?
  7. How long are you allowed electronic time?
  8. Are you parents strict on what you wear?
  9. Do your parents ever give money to you if you are going to go out with friends?
  10. Are you allowed to eat unhealthy?

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Quiz topic: Am I're Parents Too Strict?
