Are you random?

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There are many random people in this world. But is that really them? Or are they just trying to hide who they really are? What does random mean? it means,Out going, adventurous and funny.

Are you random? Or are u a person trying to hide yourself? Maybe you could be in the running to become the most random person ever. (unlikely) take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you do if you found a pink bunny?
  2. How would u dance at a party
  3. what do u wanna be when ur older?
  4. wat is the gayest guy on earth?
  5. if u had to write a story, wat would it be aboot?
  6. what would u do if a gay baby walked past u?
  7. wat would it be like to be a poop?
  8. how did the hobo get in ur bath tub?
  9. how would u destroy da world
  10. What would u wear to graduation?
  11. What makes u feel dangerous?

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Quiz topic: Am I random?