are you pretty or ugly

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there are many beautiful and ugly people in this world sometimes people call us ugly because there either jealous of us or because they acually mean it find out if your pretty with this quiz

are YOU pretty or are you extremly ugly and trust me there are actually some ugly people in the world dont beilive those lies that people say "everyones pretty" thats a lie so take this test to find out if your ugly

Created by: Montachay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color hair do you have
  2. what color eyes do you have
  3. what length of hair do you have
  4. what race are you
  5. Do people tell you your pretty
  6. How tall are you
  7. Whats you best feature
  8. what kinda figure do you have
  9. are you going to rate or comment on this quiz
  10. whats your gender

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty or ugly