Are you prepared for school?

Oh no! My room's a mess. But wait, I still need to go back-to-school shopping. UGH! Wait, but now I have to feed my cat. And yes, mom, I'm going to wash the dishes, stop pestering me! Where's my black pens? ...Yes, I am TOTALLY ready.

Totally ready? I think not. What about you? Are YOU prepared for the first day of school? Or are you a total first-day wreck? Take this quick quiz, and you can find out how prepared you are.

Created by: Sassy of Make School Rule!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have all your school supplies ready?
  2. Do you have a backpack for next year?
  3. How are you getting to school?
  4. Do you know what classes you've signed up for?
  5. How are you getting to school on the first day?
  6. Who's your guidance counselor?
  7. You're friend just called and wants to know if you can go shopping together for a first day of school outfit. What do you say?
  8. How's your room look?
  9. Do you know your homeroom teacher's name?
  10. What's your plan for the night before the first day?
  11. Honestly, do you feel ready?

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Quiz topic: Am I prepared for school?