are you popular or not

Bruh you are like so cool i am impressed that you are that f---ing cool like i want to be your friend now call me bruh (1318)794-6948 we gonna hang 4-real!!!!!

You should stop trying that hard to be cool try a little less harder and try a lot more on finding cooler clothes and some more friends that will always stay by your side

Created by: victoria burnaman

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you think you are popular
  2. Do people laugh at you or with you
  3. How many friends do you have
  4. How many people do you hang out with at school
  5. How many people come to your house everyday
  6. If you could be anyone in school would you
  7. How many people come to your parties
  8. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
  9. Have you had sex before
  10. How much do you weigh

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Quiz topic: Am I popular or not