Are You Popular?

There are many populars out there, there are many Normals out there, and sadly, there are many meanies, too. I feel as though we should all try to be the friendly and nice populars.

Do you try as hard as you should to be a sweet girl? If you try to be "cool" you are probably mean. If you are never anything but laid back, you may be popular. Let's see what you really are.

Created by: Kayla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone trips at recess. What do you do?
  2. Marcie Dannington got an F on her math test. When you see her at the park that evening, what do you say?
  3. You are late to lunch. Who do you sit with?
  4. What extra curricular activities do you do?
  5. Someone tells you that you have a "Kick Me" sign on your back. You:
  6. You have a little sister named Bobbi. The other day Bobbi asked you if you would play dolls with her.
  7. When did you get a phone?
  8. Do you curse?
  9. Have you ever told your mom you hate her?
  10. Who is your bestie?

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Quiz topic: Am I Popular?