are you pewdiepie or cutiepiemarzia

There are many cutiepiemarzia and pewdiepie fans so it is time to find out who you are and would have been and no matter what you will still be a famous youtuber.

Who are you? Pewdiepie or cutiepiemarzia? It is time you want to find out waiting wondering who am I, I do watch both and love both the same so this is who you are.

Created by: jason
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you watch more
  2. Who do you watch more
  3. What are you interested it gaming or quizzes and fashion
  4. Are you easily scared
  5. Do you like horror games or not
  6. Who do you like cutiepie or pewds
  7. Where you born in Sewden, Italy or other
  8. Who do you want to be
  9. Do u have other people in your videos
  10. Pick a name

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Quiz topic: Am I pewdiepie or cutiepiemarzia