Are you one of the five mystics

How powerful are you? Everyone can see the future but,not all know how to do it. I am the 5th mystic. I l0VE dogs you should too. Want this paragraph to be over with.

IuIaIaInInInnnInI Ian I I I I I I I I am the 5th mystic. Which one are you.I love dogs you should too can you see the future? 'can but can you? I love dogs

Created by: Dylan Alexander O'Berry
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your first name?
  2. Can you see the future
  3. Can you read minds
  4. Do you fell weak around red lights.
  5. What does aquaquotetous mean?
  6. Can you cast spells
  7. nope
  8. d
  9. d
  10. e

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Quiz topic: Am I one of the five mystics