Are You One of Daygo's(619)Finest?

Are you really from Daygo(San Diego,CA)?Answer these questions that only true Daygo folks would know the correct answer to!Do u know where Fam Bam is? Who was in the Ghetto Bowl?These kind of questions will be in this quiz,test your knowledge of the Great 619!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much do u know about San diego?Test your knowledge about america's finest city San Diego,CA...Are u really from San Diego? Or you just got landed here and never went back?See how good you know san diego and some of the history around america's finest city!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Nisha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of "Daygo"?
  2. Have you ever been to TJ?
  3. What street is Fam Bam on?
  4. What freeways has a straight shot into Mexico?
  5. Who are the three most notable Football players from the area of San Diego?
  6. Have you ever gotten the 5 rolled tacos for 2.50$ with an orange soda from the taco shop?
  7. Where is Horton Plaza?
  8. What use to be called the Ghetto Bowl?
  9. Who's your cable provider?
  10. Do u wear Chucks?

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Quiz topic: Am I One of Daygo's(619)Finest?